I was up "more north" enjoying a bit of a stay-cation. The entire time thinking I'd be able to break away from the non car folk and hit WekFest for my fix. Clearly, things didn't go as planned. First stop was the Anderson Valley Brewery out in Boonville. The brewery was awesome, we took a tour, drank a couple 22oz. IPA's, played some frisbee golf out in the cold, then cruised out as the sun was setting.
This is a shot of our room at the Inn we stayed at, the place was really nice, I was pleasantly surprised.
I finally got a chance to see a Redwood tree. The roads leaving Boonville were gnarly, the entire time I was driving I kept imagining driving a high-performance car...
Here is a shot of the coast. We took Highway 1 south from Mendocino County, at this point I began to doubt getting to WekFest, I can't lie, the roads and the sights were amazing. I really think a scene from the "Goonies" was shot in this area.
The lady and I. Damn my cold weather jacket is ugly as hell!
We stopped here to use the bathroom and take in some more sights.

Over all the trip was awesome, sucks I missed WekFest, there is always next year. We'll just sit back and wait for a bunch of untrained "video-makes" to put out footage. I'm sure there will be a couple nicely done edits, unfortunately the they still lack a few major components, but eye-candy in HD seems to be the trend these days anyway.