A lot of people hate this man for various reasons... but I don't. Kanye may not be the "dopest battle rapper" or have "insane punch lines" but he is undeniably an artist. No this is not a music blog, where I sit around and over analyze the "music game" or try to dictate where hip-hop should be going... but I do know that I listened to this track like 8 times in a row... plus there is nothing to really report...
I've been busy doing some product research for the AutoLife TV store, we'll be doing the basic stickers and possibly T-Shirts but we want something a little more unique, and that takes some thinking and brainstorming... I also began brainstorming for the next "stage" of AutoLife as we are always striving to set ourselves apart....
Anyway, enjoy this track... Do your thing Kanye! I will be doing a video to this track one of these days, heheee!

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