Wil and Randy from Exospeed invited me their event, it was also sponsored by a company I have "ties" with. So I went out to capture some footage. I'll admit, we rolled out there on Sunday, which was test and tune and qualifying. I bumped into couple people, one of them being Guillermo from GPRAuto, he had his camera in hand also. I wanted to knock it out of his hand, but that wouldn't have been nice...
This was the Exospeed booth where racers checked in. Those Exospeed wheels were calling my name, too bad my car will never be done...FML.

We walked around for a bit to scout the event, here we are talking to Wil. Wil is very passionate about this industry, everytime we talk he gets me all fired up about finishing my car and taking it out. He also has a greater understanding of the industry that most have yet to grasp. This event was the first step in Exospeed's effort in re-birthing west coast racing. One of these days I'll trick him into sitting down in front of the camera for an in depth interview.

Here I am pissed off because the track officials were giving me the runaround. Paid for two tickets to get in, then couldn't get a damn media pass for no apparent reason. At this point I had been tethered to the gate for over 45 minutes waiting for somebody to give Randy or Wil my pass, both of them were the two most busy people at the event. I still made the best of it, eventually leaving the lanes and going to shoot some bootie...see video for said "bootie"...

Overall it was still a fun day. Monday everything came alive and things really cracked off. If they do it again, don't just sit back and wait for the photos or videos, go out and support!
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